ASP.NET Web PDF Document Viewer/Editor Control Library

You can now turn your attention to parsing. Let s assume for the moment you are writing an application that performs simple symbolic differentiation, say on polynomials only. Let s say you want to read polynomials such as x^5-2x^3+20 as input from your users, which in turn will be converted to your internal polynomial representation so that you can perform symbolic differentiation and pretty-print the result to the screen. One way to represent polynomials is as a list of terms that are added or subtracted to form the polynomial: type term = | Term of int * string * int | Const of int type polynomial = term list For instance, the polynomial in this example is as follows: [Term (1,"x",5); Term (-2,"x",3); Const 20] In Listing 16-3 we built a lexer and a token type suitable for generating a token stream for the input text (shown as a list of tokens here): [ID "x"; HAT; INT 5; MINUS; INT 2; ID "x"; HAT; INT 3; PLUS; INT 20] Listing 16-4 shows a recursive-decent parser that consumes this token stream and converts it into the internal representation of polynomials. The parser works by generating a lazy list for the token stream. Lazy lists are a data structure in the F# library module Microsoft.FSharp. Collections.LazyList, and they are a lot like sequences with one major addition lazy lists effectively allow you to pattern match on a sequence and return a residue lazy list for the tail of the sequence. Listing 16-4. Recursive-Descent Parser for Polynomials #light open SimpleTokensLex open Lexing

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#region Web Form Designer generated code override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e) { // // CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP.NET Web Form Designer. // InitializeComponent(); base.OnInit(e); } /// <summary> /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// </summary> private void InitializeComponent() { this.Load +=new EventHandler(Page_Load); } #endregion } Not only is there an entire region of generated code for this very simple Web Form but also the designer generates all of the control declarations that immediately follow the class declaration. This region of generated code, along with the requisite control declarations (as determined by your markup), are what is left out of the version 2.0 code-behind and then added with the second partial class file at runtime (see Figure 3-2). Here s the same code converted to work in 2.0: public partial class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } } That s it. Really. Well, this code does nothing! you might say. True, it does nothing. But if you look closely at the version 1.x block of code above, you ll realize that it also does nothing. That s a lot of code to do nothing, isn t it This is the main benefit of using partial classes. It removes a lot of the internal goo code that adds no value to your development experience.

Can be used to read and write text and binary files. It is the only alternative that supports both text and binary files. Useful in reading and writing text and binary files in userdefined chunk sizes. You can also do random access using functions such as fseek (see the Oracle documentation for further details).

type term = | Term of int * string * int | Const of int type polynomial = term list type tokenStream = LazyList<token * position * position> let tryToken (src: tokenStream) = match src with | LazyList.Cons ((tok, startPos, endPos), rest) -> Some(tok, rest) | _ -> None let parseIndex src = match tryToken src with | Some (HAT, src) -> match tryToken src with | Some (INT num2, src) -> num2, src | _ -> failwith "expected an integer after '^'" | _ -> 1, src let parseTerm src = match tryToken src with | Some (INT num, src) -> match tryToken src with | Some (ID id, src) -> let idx, src = parseIndex src Term (num, id, idx), src | _ -> Const num, src | Some (ID id, src) -> let idx, src = parseIndex src Term(1, id, idx), src | _ -> failwith "end of token stream in term" let rec parsePolynomial src = let t1, src = parseTerm src match tryToken src with | Some (PLUS, src) -> let p2, src = parsePolynomial src (t1 :: p2), src | _ -> [t1], src The functions here have the following types:

Useful in using selects to read text data. It is simple to use and allows you to transform/manipulate resulting data using the power that comes with the select statement. Also, the JDBC code is relatively simple and does not have to deal with streams (we use the ResultSet interface to get the data as strings). The maximum size of one row (or chunk) is limited to 4,000 bytes (the size of VARCHAR2 in SQL). Works well in JDBC for most text cases. In free-format texts, one text chunk bounded by the delimiter should not exceed 4,000 bytes (e.g., if the delimiter is a new line, then each line should be less than 4,000 bytes in size).

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